In the heart of Germany’s boxing scene, an electrifying event unfolded on the evening of Saturday, May 13, 2023. The much-anticipated Dream Boxing Series took center stage, captivating fans with a spectacle of raw power, skill, and unpredictability. From the opening bell to the final knockout, the event delivered a relentless barrage of captivating fights that left spectators on the edge of their seats.
The Dream Boxing Series showcased a collection of incredibly talented fighters, each determined to prove their mettle in the ring. With a reputation for hosting intense and memorable bouts, this edition lived up to its name, showcasing the very best in pugilistic action. It was a night where boxing aficionados witnessed the merging of power and strategy, as fighters entered the ring, driven by their burning desire for glory and victory.
Junior World champion and local hero Luca Cinqueoncie defended his titles at Dream Boxing match in the sold-out arena in Germany.
Sarah Bormann (TG Hanau) can now call herself interim world champion. Both already have their sights set on the next fights.
It was already after midnight when the local hero Luca “Rocky” Cinqueoncie (21), brought his, previously undefeated, rival Joseph Maigwisya (24) to his knees. After 47 seconds of the sixth round, a white towel flew into the ring from his corner.
As expected, Sarah “Babyface” Bormann from Nidderau also had a lot of trouble, but in the end she prevailed against the previously undefeated Yadira “La Rayna” Bustillos (Las Vegas) with points, and is now not only interim world champion of the WBC, but also defended her first ranking position in the IBF and WBO associations.
After the fight, she was also honored as “Boxer of the Year 1” by the internet portal
“Everything went great,” said the 33-year-old. “American women are strong. I’m happy that I won. I had been training to go over the full ten laps. Now I’m going to enjoy the victory. At the end of June, the next fight is already coming up for me in Ludwigsburg.”
For those who missed the action on Saturday you can watch the replay on or PRIME FIGHT HD TV.